ヘアスタイリスト。幼少期にヴィヴィアン・リーやグレイス・ケリー、マリリン・モンローなどのハリウッド女優が出演する映画を母親と一緒に見たことをきっかけに、ビューティーの世界に心を惹かれる。1997年に渡英。i-DやTHE FACEなどのファッションカルチャー誌のクリエイションにも参加。2005年に帰国後は、VOGUEやNUMEROなど国内外のファッション誌やセレブリティたちからのラブコールを受け活躍。2013年には自身プロデュースのサロン「CUTTERS」をオープン。クリエイションのモットーはLess is More(少ないことは豊かなこと)

Hair stylist. His fascination for beauty started from childhood, when his mother took him to the cinema and watched Hollywood movies featuring Vivien Leigh, Grace Kelly and Marilyn Monroe. In 1997 he moved to the UK, where he worked with fashion and culture magazines such as i-D and The Face. Since returning to Japan in 2005, he has been commissioned from fashion magazines such as Vogue and Numero, as well as celebrities. In 2012, Taku opened his own hair salon CUTTERS in Tokyo, where he still works as hairdresser. His motto: "Less is More".